S8050 NPN Transistor
S8050 is a commonly used NPN transistor. This transistor is designed for audio amplification and wide variety of general purpose uses in electronic circuits, like switching applications. Its collector current is 0.7A or 700mA so it can allow maximum current of 700mA through its collector and emitter pins. Therefore we can only drive loads which are in 700mA limit. The maximum voltage this transistor can allow through its collector and emitter pins is 20V, therefore you can only use this transistor in circuits which operate under 20V. The normal gain value of the transistor are 110 and the maximum gain value is 400. The max gain value shows the max amplification of a signal you can achieve from a transistor in an electronic circuit.
Features / technical specifications:
- Package Type: TO-92
- Transistor Type: NPN
- Max Collector Current(IC): 0.7A or 700mA
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 20V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): 30V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VBE): 5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 1 Watt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 100 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 40 – 400
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should be: -65 to +150Centigrade
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Tags: s8050 npn transistor, e1010, transistors, electronic components