S9015 PNP Transistor
The S9015 is manufactured in a plastic TO-92 case. When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three leads emerging from the transistor are, from left to right, the emitter, base, and collector leads.
Features / Technical Specifications
- Type - PNP
- Collector-Emitter Voltage: - 45 V
- Collector-Base Voltage: - 50 V
- Emitter-Base Voltage: - 5 V
- Collector Current: - 0.1 A
- Collector Dissipation - 0.4 W
- DC Current Gain (hfe) - 60 to 1000
- Transition Frequency - 150 MHz
- Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 to +150 °C
- Package - TO-92
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Tags: s9015 pnp transistor, e1015, transistors, electronic components