Waterproof Ultrasonic Ranging Module With Sensor
Elecrical Parameters
Module: AJ-SR04M Ultrasonic Module
Working Voltage: DC 3-5.5V
Working Current: 40mA Duration Less than 50us
Standby Current: 2mA
Low Power Current: Mode 2 Current is 40 uA, Mode 4 and 5 Current is 20 uA
Working Frequency: 40KHz
Furthest Range: 8M
Recent RAnge: 20cm
Measuring Angle: 75 degrees
Input Triger Signal: 2:Trig/RX Trigger/Serial Receiver/Switch Enablation
2:Echo/TX Pluse Width Output/Serial Output/Switch Output
Output Echo Signal: Output TTL, Serial Port 5 Mode Selection
Serial Port Output Fromat: 9600 n 8 1
Resolution: About 2mm
Working Temperature: -20~75°C
Storage Temperature: -40~80°C
Status Indicator: LED Indicating Status, One Flash/Switch Output Status
Size: 41.3*28.5*23mm
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Tags: waterproof ultrasonic ranging module with sensor, b1032, ultrasonic rader, electronic modules