Products meeting the search criteria
CD4013 - Dual D-Type Flip-Flop
The CD4013 device consists of two identical, independent data-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has in..
MVR 20.00
CD4016 - Quad Bilateral Switch
The CD4016 is a quad bilateral switch intended for the transmission or multiplexing of analog or dig..
MVR 20.00
CD4026 - Decade Counter / Divider
The IC CD4026 is an IC which can perform the function of both a counter as well a 7-s..
MVR 25.00
DIP Power Inductor - 6x8mm
DIP Power Inductor is a small choke coil power inductor. It has a wire wound on the core(magnetic or..
MVR 10.00
LM339N - Quad Comparator
These devices consist of four independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage speci..
MVR 20.00
MCP23017 - 16-Bit I/O Expander with I2C Interface
The MCP23017 device family provides 16-bit, general purpose parallel I/O expansion for I2C bus or SP..
MVR 75.00
MT8870 - DTMF Decoder
The MT8870 is a complete DTMF receiver integrating both the bandsplit filter and digital decoder fun..
MVR 25.00
NE555 - Timer IC
NE555 Timer IC is the most commonly used ICs for timing and Pulse generation applications...
MVR 20.00
NE556 - Dual Timer IC
The NE556 IC devices provide two independent timing circuits of the NE555 type in each package..
MVR 30.00
PIC16F877A Microcontroller
This powerful (200 nanosecond instruction execution) yet easy-to-program (only 35 single word instru..
MVR 130.00