Products meeting the search criteria
Soil Moisture Sensor
Soil moisture sensor has two conducting plates. First plate is connected to the +5Volt supply throug..
MVR 25.00
Soil Moisture Sensor Module With Corrosion Resistant Probe
RESISTIVE SENSOR - The probe uses analog resistance to detect the moisture content of the soil. It i..
MVR 120.00
Sonoff Basic R2 Wi-Fi Smart Switch
Sonoff Basic wireless remote control switch is a low-cost, affordable device that allows users to re..
MVR 180.00
SS8050 NPN Transistor
The SS8550 is manufactured in a plastic TO-92 case. When looking at the flat side with the leads poi..
MVR 5.00
SS8550 NPN Transistor
The SS8550 is manufactured in a plastic TO-92 case. When looking at the flat side with the leads poi..
MVR 5.00
Stepper Motor Driver Board - ULN2003AN
This is ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board, small size, and easy to use. It uses the ULN2003 driver ..
MVR 25.00
Stepper Motor Driver Module - A4988
The A4988 is a complete Microstepping Motor Driver with built-in translator for ..
MVR 25.00
Stepper Motor Driver Module - DRV8825
The DRV8825 is a Motor Driver with two H-bridge drivers and a microstepping indexer. The d..
MVR 45.00
Stepper Motor Driver Module -A3967 Easy Driver
A3967 EasyDriver Shield Stepping Stepper Motor Driver Module For Arduino The EasyDriver i..
MVR 50.00
TDA2030A, 20W Audio Amplifier IC
The TDA2030 is a powerful audio amplifier IC. An audio amplifier is nothing but one that has the cap..
MVR 20.00
TDA2050 - 32W Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier IC
The TDA2050 is a Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier IC from ST Microelectronics with a maximu..
MVR 25.00
TFT Graphic Display Multifunction Tester - TC-T7-H
Automatic detection: Insert the components of the tester into the corresponding area, and automatica..
MVR 630.00
TL494 - Pulse-Width-Modulation Controller
The TL494 device contains two error amplifiers, an on-chip adjustable oscillator, a dead-time contr..
MVR 20.00
ToF Laser Ranging Sensor Module - VL53L0X
The VL53L0X is the latest product based on STs patented FlightSense technology. This is a ground-bre..
MVR 85.00
Transparent Acrylic Case for Arduino Uno R3
This is a no-nonsense protective case designed specifically for the Arduino Uno The case is a t..
MVR 45.00
TTL AC Communication Box V3 with Serial to USB Cable - PZEM-004T
1.We provide the software to connect it with the PC. If you want to connect it with other terminal d..
MVR 325.00
UC3842 - Current Mode PWM Controller
The UC3842 IC is a current Mode PWM Controller, meaning it can be used to provide a constant current..
MVR 20.00
UC3843 - Current Mode PWM Controller
The UC3843 IC is a current Mode PWM Controller, meaning it can be used to provide a c..
MVR 20.00
UC3845 - Current Mode PWM Controller
The UTC 3845 is high performance fixed frequency current mode controllers that specifically designed..
MVR 20.00