Products meeting the search criteria
Arduino UNO R4 WiFi
The Arduino UNO R4 WiFi is the first UNO board to feature a 32-bit microcontroller and an ESP32-S3 W..
MVR 695.00
Arduino Uno SMD
Arduino Uno SMD Features Microcontroller: ATmega328POperating voltage: 5VInput voltage (recommended..
MVR 150.00
Arduino USB Host Shield
The USB Host Shield compatible with Arduino is based on the MAX3421E, which is a USB peripheral/host..
MVR 190.00
ATtiny85 USB Development Board
The ATTINY85 USB Development Board is similar to the Arduino, but cheaper and smaller (of course a b..
MVR 95.00
ATtiny88 Micro Development Board
ATTiny88 (16Mhz) based microcontroller development board similar to the Arduino series, only cheaper..
MVR 85.00
CNC Shield V4 Expansion Board For Arduino Nano
This expansion board as a driver expansion board, can be used for engraving machines, 3D printers.&n..
MVR 80.00
CNC Shield V4 With Arduino Nano and Stepper Motor Driver
This 3D printer stepper motor driver CNC shield V4 needs to work with Arduino Nano board. It can be..
MVR 240.00
PS2 Game Joystick Module
PS2 game joystick module, electronic building blocks standard connector with 2.54mm pin. DO port for..
MVR 25.00
Terminal Expansion Board For Arduino Nano
This is a terminal adapter For the Arduino Nano. It labels For Arduino Nano version 3..
MVR 45.00
Transparent Acrylic Case for Arduino Uno R3
This is a no-nonsense protective case designed specifically for the Arduino Uno The case is a t..
MVR 45.00