Products meeting the search criteria
74HC00 - Quad 2-Input NAND Gate
The 74HC00 is a 14 Pin Quad 2-Input NAND Gate IC. This device contains four independent gates each o..
MVR 25.00
74HC02 - Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
The 74HC02 is a 14 Pin Quad 2-Input NOR Gate IC. NOR gates utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS techno..
MVR 25.00
74HC04 - Hex Inverter
74HC04 is Hex Inverter NOT gate IC. It consists of six inverters which perform logical invert action..
MVR 20.00
74HC08 - Quad 2-Input AND Gate
SN74HC08N is Quad 2-Input AND Gate 14 Pin IC. The 74HC08 provides provides 4 independent 2..
MVR 25.00
74HC10 - Triple 3-Input NAND Gates
The SN74HC10N devices contain three independent 3-input NAND gates. They perform the Boolean functio..
MVR 30.00
74HC14 - Hex Inverters with Schmitt-Trigger Inputs
This device contains six independent inverters with Schmitt-trigger inputs. Each gate performs the B..
MVR 25.00
74HC147 - Decimal to BCD Priority Encoder
The 74HC147 ic in are high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices and are pin compatible with low power Schottk..
MVR 30.00
74HC174 - Hex D-type Flip-Flop with Reset
74HC174 is a 16 Pin Hex D-type Flip-Flop with Reset IC having 2V to 6V Operating Voltage range with ..
MVR 30.00
74HC373 - Octal D-type 3-state latch
The 74HC373 high speed octal D-type latches utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology. They poss..
MVR 25.00
74HC374 - Octal D-Type 3-State Flip-Flop
74HC374 is a 20 Pin 3-State output Octal D-Type Flip-Flop IC having 2V to 6V Operating Voltage range..
MVR 25.00
74HC595 - 8-Bit Shift Registers With 3-State Output
The SN74HC595N is a simple 8-bit shift register IC. Simply put, this shift register is a device that..
MVR 25.00
74HC73 - Dual JK Flip-Flops With Clear
The 74HC73 is a dual negative edge triggered JK flip-flop with individual J, K, clock (nCP) and rese..
MVR 25.00
74LS181 - 4-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
The SN74LS181N is a bit slice arithmetic logic unit (ALU), implemented as a 7400 series TTL integrat..
MVR 85.00
74LS283 - 4-bit Binary full Adder with Fast Carry
The 74LS283 is a high-speed 4-Bit Binary Full Adder with internal carry lookahead. It accepts two 4-..
MVR 30.00
74LS47 - BCD to 7-Segment Decoder
The 'LS47 feature active-low outputs designed for driving, common-anode LEDs or incandescent indicat..
MVR 25.00
74LS83 - 4-bit Binary full Adder
The 74LS83 is a high speed 4-bit full Adder IC with carry out feature. The IC has four independent s..
MVR 25.00
CD4077 - Quad Exclusive NOR (XNOR) Gate
CD4077BE is a quad CMOS Exclusive-NOR Gate for use with logical comparators, adders/subtractors..
MVR 25.00
Digital Temperature Sensor Module
Digital Temperature Sensor, it measures temperature changes based on the thermistor resistance. This..
MVR 25.00
EEPROM Flash BIOS USB Programmer - CH341A 24 25 Series
This low-cost mini USB CH341A 24 25 Series EEPROM Flash BIOS USB Programmer is intended to support 2..
MVR 95.00
Mercury Tilt Switch Module
Arduino Mercury Tilt Switch Module, it uses a small mercury ball that completes the circuit whe..
MVR 15.00