A733 PNP Transistor
A733 is a widely used TO-92 size BJT transistor designed to use for amplification and switching purposes. It is used in variety of commercial equipment’s, educational devices, toys etc. Additionally it is also used in DIY educational electronics circuits and projects. The transistor is capable to drive load of -50V and 150mA. The maximum emitter-base voltage of the transistor is 5V and the minimum saturation voltage is only 0.3V. The maximum collector dissipation is 250mW and DC current gain of upto 600 also makes it ideal to use as an amplifier in many different applications.
Features / technical specifications:
- Package Type: TO-92
- Transistor Type: PNP
- Max Collector Current(IC): -150mA
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): -50V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): -60V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): -5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 250 miliWatt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 180 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 90 – 600
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should Be: -55 to +150 Centigrade
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Tags: a733 pnp transistor, e1007, transistors, electronic components