C945 NPN Transistor
945 is a general purpose NPN transistor used in wide variety of commercial and educational electronic circuits. It is manufactured in TO-93 package, the max load this transistor can drive is around 150mA or 0.15A that is enough to operate many devices in a circuit for example LEDs, Relays, ICs, transistors and other parts of a circuit. The saturation voltage of the transistor is only 0.3V which is also a good feature of this transistor. Moreover the transistor is also low noise device, and has a good DC current gain that is 70 to 700.
Features / technical specifications:
- Package Type: TO-92
- Transistor Type: NPN
- Max Collector Current(IC): 150mA
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 50V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): 60V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 400 miliWatt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 200 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 70 – 700
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should Be: -55 to +150 Centigrade
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Tags: c945 npn transistor, e1008, transistors, electronic components