S9018 PNP Transistor
S9018 is a BJT NPN transistor manufactured in a TO-92 package. It is mostly used for general purpose switching and amplification purposes in commercial devices. Moreover, it is also an ideal transistor to use for hobby and educational electronics projects. The transistor is having some very good features in its small TO-92 package due to which it can be used in a variety of different electronics applications. The collector-emitter voltage of the transistor is 20V, therefore it can be easily used in electronic applications that require under 20V. The typical saturation voltage of this transistor is 0.16V which is also good as a general-purpose usage. For full output current i.e. 500mA the transistor needs 50mA at its base. The gain or hFE is 64 to 202 but this transistor comes in different part numbers which define its gain like SS9013D gain is 64~91, SS9013E gain is 78~112, SS9013F gain is 96~135, SS901G gain is 112~166 and SS9013H gain is 144~202.
Features / technical specifications:
- Package Type: TO-92
- Transistor Type: NPN
- Max Collector Current(IC): 5A or 500mA
- Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 20V
- Max Collector-Base Voltage (VCB): 40V
- Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VBE): 5V
- Max Collector Dissipation (Pc): 625 Milliwatt
- Max Transition Frequency (fT): 150 MHz
- Minimum & Maximum DC Current Gain (hFE): 64 To 202
- Max Storage & Operating temperature Should be: -55 to +150 Centigrade
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Tags: s9018 pnp transistor, e9016, transistors, electronic components