74HC174 - Hex D-type Flip-Flop with Reset
74HC174 is a 16 Pin Hex D-type Flip-Flop with Reset IC having 2V to 6V Operating Voltage range with 5.2mA output current and low power consumption. It has individual data inputs (Dn) and outputs (Qn). The common clock (CP) and master reset (MR) inputs load and reset all flip-flops simultaneously. The D-input that meets the set-up and hold time requirements on the LOW-to-HIGH clock transition is stored in the flip-flop and appears at the Q output. A LOW on MR causes the flip-flops and outputs to be reset LOW. Inputs include clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in excess of VCC.
- Package Type: DIP
- Voltage Rating: 2 to 6V
- Current Rating: 5.2mA output current
- Temperature Rating: -40 to 85 Deg C
- Number of Pins: 16
- Propagation Delay: 16ns
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Tags: Hex D-typel, D-Type, Flip-Flop, flip flop, D type, 74 Series, Dip, IC, 74174, 74HC174, SN74HC174N 74hc174, hex, d-type, flip-flop, with, reset, series